Going to college is one of the biggest transitions of most students' lives so far.
在选择专业时, 遇见室友, and navigating the Caf during lunch rush are new and exciting activities, 改变可能有点可怕. 虽然今天很难想象, 在接下来的四年里, Georgetown College will become a second home to you. You will find your place on campus as part of our vibrant community, but that doesn't happen overnight. The Student Life team is here to help you transition to your college years.
The 学生生活办公室 encompasses multiple offices on campus including:
- 居住生活 (Cralle Student Center)
- Student Engagement (Cralle Student Center)
- Student Accountability (Cralle Student Center)
- 校园健康(康乐中心)
- 校园安全 (Cralle Student Center by the Caf)
- Equity and 包容 (Cralle Student Center)
- 校园事工(约翰L. 山教堂)
- 咨询与健康中心 (Hollyhock Lane)
- The Graves Center for 调用 and 职业生涯 (The Meetinghouse)
All the offices share a common focus on helping students become the best versions of themselves. Student Life staff members will encourage students to stretch themselves in their new environment while also supporting them when things are tough.
Cralle Student Center, Third Floor
(502) 863-8004